24 Mar, 2016 - The e-consult is a valuable tool, said Nicole Seagriff, CHC's Norwalk medical director and a nurse practitioner.
24 Mar, 2016 - The e-consult is a valuable tool, said Nicole Seagriff, CHC's Norwalk medical director and a nurse practitioner.
15 Mar, 2016 - Over $2.5 million in federal funding has been awarded to seven health centers across Connecticut.
14 Mar, 2016 - Health and Human Services awarded CHC $379,167 to treat the opioid and heroin epidemic for patients in New Britain, New London, Meriden, and Middletown.
14 Mar, 2016 - Community Health Center, Inc. received a $379,167 grant for the communities of Middletown, Meriden, New Britain and New London.
09 Mar, 2016 - Newly published research shows positive results from Community Health Center's groundbreaking use of eConsults.
08 Mar, 2016 - Weitzman Institute researchers published in the Annals of Family Medicine for their research regarding e-Consults.
07 Mar, 2016 - On Monday, March 7, 2016 CHC will be hosting a nutritional event titled "Mission Nutrition."
03 Mar, 2016 - Connecticut is the first state in the nation to obtain Medicaid reimbursements for eConsults.
22 Feb, 2016 - U.S. Rep Rosa DeLauro got good news about her blood pressure during a visit Wednesday to Community Health Center, Inc.
16 Feb, 2016 - Ms. Erickson will oversee and expand the teleconference program designed to improve care and treatment for people with complex health problems.
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