21 Dec, 2015 - Letter from Mark Masselli to The Middletown Press
21 Dec, 2015 - Letter from Mark Masselli to The Middletown Press
14 Dec, 2015 - Telehealth, or telemedicine, has received a lot of attention since its advent in the 1990s, but odds are you've not yet talked to your doctor through a computer monitor.
19 May, 2015 - Day Street CHC hosted an appreciation event to recognize six dental specialists and one general dentist who donated their time to see 150 dental patients.
06 May, 2015 - On May 16th, 2015, motorcycle riders from across the state will ride through Middlesex County to show their support for DV victims
01 Apr, 2015 - CHC announced that it launched an eConsult network for specialty care.
26 Mar, 2015 - CHC was chosen by the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing’s Accountable Care Collaborative to develop and deliver the Chronic Pain Disease Management Program
02 Mar, 2015 - CHC announces new officers and Board of Director members who began their terms in January 2015.
18 Feb, 2015 - The curriculum focused on educating Spanish-speaking women on how to have a healthy pregnancy.
02 Feb, 2015 - With 600 employees and 13 locations spread across the state, Community Health Center of Middletown's annual Internet bill runs into six figures.
07 Jan, 2015 - Group Aims to Build Healthier Communities in Stamford’s West Side
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