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Medical care for the whole family

Medical care at CHC

We believe your health is about more than fixing a problem. A lot of times, people only go see a doctor when they’re sick or hurt. But if you only see a doctor at the urgent care center or the emergency room, you are missing a huge part of your health needs.

What is Primary Care?

Primary care is about your health and wellness overall. Primary care is about your comprehensive medical needs.

Primary care providers are health care providers who provide care for you when you are well and when you are sick, managing most chronic illnesses and preventing illness. They take care of your health care needs over time and coordinate your care when you need additional services beyond primary care. Primary care providers at CHC are physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. But there is a whole team here to help: behavioral health, nursing, dental, pharmacy, medical assistants and a whole lot of other people. We’re here to help!

Primary care focuses on prevention. We want to keep you healthy and out of the emergency room. We want to help you manage chronic illnesses, make good nutrition choices, and lead a healthy lifestyle. This is accomplished through routine check-ups and additional visits/referrals to specialists when necessary.

Family medicine, pediatrics, internal medicine, and women’s health are at the core of primary care. But many of our sites also offer HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, podiatry, nutrition counseling, addiction management, prenatal services, breastfeeding support, diabetes education, case management, and more.

Integrated Care

Oral health and behavioral health are incredibly important to keeping the rest of your body healthy, and all three need to work together for the best outcomes.

Our clinical facilities are designed to make that happen. Our teams sit in “pods,” that typically include a PCP, medical assistant, nurse, and behavioral health specialist. This enables better communication among all members of the team, making it easier for them to take care of you!

Care When You Need It

If you need care today, many of our sites offer Urgent Care services for our patients! Check if your site has Urgent Care for same-day appointments.

Chc Davidapuzzophoto Day2 059 Resized
We see patients from pediatrics to geriatrics!
A female nurse and her elderly female patient laugh as the nurse prepares the patient to get blood drawn.
Stay healthy at CHC!