CHC offers individual and group therapy for CHC patients of all ages. Sessions are held completely online and patients can participate in groups led by providers at any of our health center locations.
See our available programs below.
Youth behavioral health therapy groups are also available through the Child Guidance Center of Southern Connecticut. Click here to learn more.
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This group is for women 40 and over who are overwhelmed, anxious, depressed and looking for additonal support. This group will provide support, a time to process, and coping skills to learn ways of putting yourself first.
Coping Skills GroupsWomen's GroupsVirtual
Leader:Jodi Anderson, LMFT and Rosarimar Rodriguez, PsyD Post Doc II
This group is for young adults ages 18-25 who are currently having uncertainty about their future. Group members will learn how to cope with the stressors of adulthood, adjust to the demands of day-to-day living, meet peers that you can relate with, strengthen self-esteem, and develop the skills needed to take on future endeavors. Weekly, a topic is discussed in-group by a facilitator, but group members are welcomed to bring up current conflict or topics of interest that they would like to touch on as well.
Support GroupsYoung Adult GroupsMeriden
Leader:Krista Sansone, LMSW
Leader:Krista Sansone, LMSW
This group is for 16-18 year olds assigned female at birth (afab). The aim of this group is to provide support for young women and non-binary persons as they move through the end of adolescence and into adulthood. It is our goal to provide a safe space where they can build relationships, share how they feel and what they think freely and find support and connection with others who understand.
LGBTQIA+Youth GroupsVirtual
Leader:Lauren Pelletier, LMSW
This group is for men 30 years and up and is a supportive space that focuses on helping men address anxiety, depression, and other life issues/stressors.
Men's GroupsMood GroupsVirtual
MON 10:30AM
Leader:Ivan Lopez, LCSW
This group is open to men and women 18 years old and older. We will discuss ways to cope with and overcome life stressors and mood symptoms. For New Britain clients only.
Mood GroupsSupport GroupsNew Britain
Leader:Jennifer Gadalinski, LCSW
A process group that seeks to provide support and skills to individuals living with chronic pain. This educational and support program will help you learn a variety of strategies for dealing with chronic pain. CBT for chronic pain can help improve:
Leader:Catarina Lally, LPC
Mind Body food with Tichianaa Armah, MD, one of our psychiatrists, is a women only group focused on a holistic approach to health and well-being. The components which vary from session to session are steeped in being present and non-judgmental of ourselves and our bodies while becoming more informed about the impact of what we take into our bodies (nutrition, and thoughts ) a what we do with our bodies (exercise, lifestyle) impact our bodies. Formerly an in-person group where we cooked and shared a meal together, we find new varied ways to interact, and new exercises between sessions ranging from mindful walks to indoor vegetable gardening. This group has been running the last 7 years, and is open to new members.
Wellness/MindfulnessWomen's GroupsVirtual
Leader:Tichianaa Armah, MD
This adult Safe Space group is a support and process group for transgender, non-binary, and other gender diverse individuals. This group will focus on gender identity, gender expression, navigating gender journey, and gender-affirming health care. The purpose of this group is to foster connectedness for those who identify as gender diverse and help individual access social support from others with similar experience. In addition, this group will help support members as they navigate disclosure, possible discrimination, interpersonal relationships, impacts of gender-affirming care, and all other aspects that encapsulate gender journey.
LGBTQIA+Support GroupsVirtual
Leader:Alexei Kasanzew, LPC
Este grupo semanal es un grupo de tratamiento para personas adultas de habla hispana (mayores de 18 años) que brinda apoyo, psicoeducación, coraje y orientación para comprender y manejar los factores estresantes de la vida y los síntomas del estado de ánimo. Los miembros del grupo aprenderán formas de hacer frente a los desafíos emocionales en el hogar, el trabajo, la familia y la comunidad compartiendo sus experiencias, cómo han aprendido a manejarlas, y discutiendo formas de mejorar sus habilidades personales. ¡Todos los latinos/hispanos de diversos orígenes culturales son bienvenidos a unirse a nosotros!”
Mood GroupsSpanish Language GroupsVirtual
Líder:Alexei Kasanzew, LPC
This group is geared towards individuals that have PTSD or other trauma related diagnoses or symptoms. One common theme amongst the women is experiencing distress related to dysfunctional family and friend relationships. Along with the help of the facilitator, the group members create a safe and supportive space to learn to cope with life trauma
Support GroupsTrauma GroupsWomen's GroupsMeriden
Leader:Dr. Kaosoluchi Enendu, MD
This group is a 12 week support and psychoeducational group for women. The focus of this group to help women develop their confidence and claim their power. The group will cover topics such as: self-care, self-compassion, understanding healthy boundaries, relationships and emotions, community vs competition, anxiety and depression, aging and mental health, social media and beauty, along with other topics that impact women’s mental health.
Coping Skills GroupsWomen's GroupsVirtual
Leader:Alexsandra Penalbert, LCSW
Take a moment out of your day and join our meditation group. We will practice deep breathing, meditation, and guided imagery! For Adults 18+
Leader:Grace Harrington, LPC
This is a group for individuals post-bariatric surgery seeking support on recovery and lifestyle changes. Topics discussed include: Habit building, Motivation building, Mindful eating, and Effective ways to use your tool of bariatric surgery.
Support GroupsWellness/MindfulnessVirtual
Leader:Catarina Lally, LPC and Karla Mowdy, APRN
This is a group for women 18+ looking to improve boundaries in their lives.
“Boundaries are ways to communicate our needs, to others via words or actions. They are also perimeters that we establish with ourselves and others. Therefore boundaries are not just about telling other people what to do, but also about holding ourselves accountable for our desired lives.” – Nedra Glover Tawwab, MS, LCSW
WED 1:30PM
Leader:Riya Sidhu, LPC
Mindfulness has been shown to be effective in helping people with anxiety and/or chronic pain live happier, more stress-free lives. In group, members will learn and practice the art of mindfulness. This group is for adults 18+ and is based on the evidenced-based program by Jon Kabat Zinn.
Support GroupsWellness/MindfulnessVirtual
Leader:Jana Noyes, LMFT
This group is for children ages 8-13 that would benefit from learning different strategies towards helping them learn how to express their emotions, regulate their emotions and/or improve their communication skills.
Youth GroupsVirtual
Leader:Joshua Cruz,PsyD Post Doc II
This group is a skill building and processing group for teens ages 13-17 to talk about daily life stressors.
Youth GroupsStamford
Leader:Samantha Milligan, LMSW
This is a supportive and interactive group for young adults, ages 18-40yrs old, with attention difficulties. Through a combination of education and discussion, participants, will learn practical strategies to enhance focus, organization, and overall wellbeing.
Coping Skills GroupsSupport GroupsVirtual
Leader:Bria Adimora Godley, MD and Oluwaseyi Adeyinka, MD MPH
Discutir, explorar, consolar, animar y guiar para enfrentar y encontrar soluciones a los desafíos de la vida juntos. Para adultos mayores de 18 años.
Discuss, explore, comfort, encourage and guide to face and find solutions to life’s challenges together. For adults 18 plus.
THU 10:30AM
Líder:Michael Cubria, LCSW, CAC, ICADC, CMIP
This series will cover various medical conditions to provide patients with support and the tools to manage chronic illnesses. The series will include: diabetes support, maternal health, cardiovascular rehabilitation and management, oncology treatment support. The Health Psychology Series: Diabetes Support will start in winter 2024 and run for 12 sessions.
Support GroupsWellness/MindfulnessVirtual
Leader:Catarina Lally, LPC
This is a support and processing group for LGBTQIA+ community.
LGBTQIA+Support GroupsVirtual
Leader:Bryttany Cunningham, LPC
Do you feel like your emotions sometimes get the best of you, and you tend to do things you later regret? Do you find it difficult to communicate your needs and wants to others? If so, this group will help you take control of your emotions and communicate in a way that helps you feel understood by the people in your life.
Youth GroupsMiddletown
TUE 4:30PM
Leader:Ashley Ables, LCSW
This group is for 13-15 year olds assigned female at birth (afab). We will explore emotions related to anxiety, learn different copings, and find support from other members about our feelings.
Youth GroupsVirtual
TH 4:30PM
Leader:Lauren Pelletier, LCSW
Radian Black Minds is a safe and supportive community designed to empower and uplift young Black individuals, ages 18-30yrs old, and their unique experiences
Support GroupsYoung Adult GroupsVirtual
Leader:Dr. Shanicka Reynolds, MD
A group for adults 18+ to explore thoughts and feelings using various art materials and models. All are welcome, no art experience needed.
Expressive Therapy GroupsNew Britain
Leader:Meghan Mastroianni, LPC ATR
This group will combine peer support and skill-building resources for managing chronic mood fluctuation and mood disorder diagnoses as well as building interpersonal skills and healthy relationship boundaries. We will work towards understanding yourself better as well as your relationships with those around you! The group is for co-ed adults 18 years old and up.
Mood GroupsVirtual
Leader:Erin Forler, LCSW and Angela Paraska, MSW Candidate
A support and processing group for Black men to share experiences and build a sense of community. For ages 18+ cisgender and transgender Black men.
LGBTQIA+Men's GroupsVirtual
Leader:Dr. Caylan Bookman, MD
This group is 10 week group open to any individual that have experienced any type of grief and/or loss in their life. This group will offer support to process the different stages of grief.
Support GroupsVirtual
Leader:Dorothy Hiralien, LPC
This group is for women in their 60s and 70s looking for place for support and process feelings of depression, anxiety, and loneliness.
Women's GroupsVirtual
Leader:Jana Noyes, LMFT
Relationships are a big part of our lives. The purpose of this group is to help us understand how we show up in our relationships, and doing the work to be the best version of ourselves in your relationships.
Women's GroupsVirtual
TUE 1:30PM
Leader:Riya Sidhu, LPC
This is a weekly relapse prevention group designed to provide support to those patients in their recovery process. The group will address triggers, coping skills and overall reduction and abstaining from substance use. The goal is to assist the patient in their process of building a happier healthier life style. This is a supportive strength based relapse prevention group offered as part of the CHC Suboxone program.
Substance Use GroupsVirtual
TUE 9:30AM
Leader:Laura Galindo, LMFT
Leader:Dariush Fathi, PsyD
Leader:David Melman, MD
This is a weekly relapse prevention group to help support patients toward their goals of reducing and abstaining from alcohol and/or drug use, and to support them in the process of building happier and healthier lives. For CHC Meriden clients.
Substance Use GroupsMeriden
Leader:Sarah Nagot, LCSW
This group is for adolescents 13-17 who are currently in Middle School or High School. Group members will learn how to cope with the stressors of school, family, and friend relationships. Group members will learn to become more social, and to navigate friendships and tough topics that come up. Weekly, a topic is discussed in-group by a facilitator, but group members are welcomed to bring up current conflicts or topics of interest that they would like to touch on as well.
Youth GroupsVirtual
Leader:Lila Purvis, LMSW
This group is for adults living with chronic pain. The goal of the group is to provide emotional support, validation, pain management and life skills. Group members are encouraged to share the grief and hardship of chronic pain but also their feelings of hope and encouragement.
Pain GroupsVirtual
Leader:Taylor Lisee, LPCA
This group provides support to members on their trauma recovery journey. This group explores evidence based skills using DBT and CBT to help members understand and process responses to trauma. Each week, group will focus on different skills and to increase awareness of trauma symptoms and reactions in order to help members along their trauma recovery and provide support to one another.
Support GroupsTrauma GroupsVirtual
Leader:Demetrios Kostas, LCSW
Started in 2017, this group explores different ways of self-expression through art and writing. During group, the members participate in a mindfulness activity, then are given a topic and/or an activity to express through art and/or writing. We share our creations, finding different ways of experiencing self-examination, reflection and change. No art experience is necessary.
Expressive Therapy GroupsMood GroupsVirtual
Jodi Anderson, LMFT & Bryttany Cunningham, LPC
Leader:Jodi Anderson, LMFT & Bryttany Cunningham, LPC
The goal of this open-ended Anxiety Group is to help individuals become aware of their anxious thought patterns and behaviors and learn specific skills to help themselves cope better, whether reactively or proactively. Through this treatment approach, participants can learn strategies and techniques to cope with anxiety-provoking thoughts, worries, and/or rumination, and are supported/encouraged by the therapist and peers.
Mood GroupsVirtual
Leader:Kaylan Koski, LCSW
Este grupo es para personas de habla hispana mayores de 18 años que buscan un sentido de comunidad. Los miembros del grupo aprenderán a lidiar con los factores estresantes de la aculturación en los Estados Unidos, a lidiar con los factores estresantes diarios, la familia, el trabajo y las dificultades con la salud mental. Semanalmente, un facilitador discute un tema en grupo, pero los miembros del grupo son bienvenidos a plantear conflictos actuales o temas de interés que también les gustaría discutir.
Spanish Language GroupsSupport GroupsMeriden
Líder:Luz Oynadel, LMFTA and Rosimar Rodriguez, Post Doc Resident
Group members identify triggers and explore potential useful coping skills for triggers using methods such as CBT, Mindfulness, DBT, and other psychotherapy and holistic methods for coping with stressors.
Coping Skills GroupsNorwalk
Leader:Chelsea McIntosh, PsyD
Este grupo ofrece a los pacientes diferentes tecnicas que ayudan a reducir los sintomas de depresion y ansiedad. De igual manera con el apoyo de las teorias Conducta Cognitiva y Sicologia del Ego el paciente aprendera a mejorar el uso de su capacidad y habilidad mental (ego).
Mood GroupsSpanish Language GroupsMeriden
Líder:Maribel Parkes, LMSW
This group for adults (18+) will focus on learning to utilize DBT skills to manage a variety of symptoms. DBT groups focus on learning skills in four areas:
Interpersonal Effectiveness: Getting inter-personal needs met, maintain relationships, and increasing self-respect
Mindfulness: Being aware of the present moment without judgment
Emotion Regulation: Under-standing and reducing vulnerability to emotions; changing unwanted emotions
Distress Tolerance: Getting through a crisis situation without making it worse
Leader:Laura Galindo, LMFT
Leader:Joshua Cruz, PsyD
This is an experiential, psychoeducational and process group about the connections between how we eat and how we feel (and vice versa), including resources, guest appearances, nutrition information, inspirational readings, art, movement, mindfulness, journaling and IFS therapy.
Leader:Jana Noyes, LMFT
This group is for new mothers who are struggling with the demands of motherhood, postpartum depression, and any other post-natal/perinatal diagnosis. This weekly group will consist of learning concrete tools in managing mood, developing a community of mothers, bonding with your child, and helping to develop a positive self-esteem towards the new adventure of motherhood. Although there are some challenges along the way, mothers will thrive together. Mothers are encouraged to bring their babies to group.
Perinatal and Parenting GroupsSupport GroupsMeriden
Leader:Lila Purvis, LMSW
Living Positively is a co-ed support group for people who live with HIV, are connected with Oasis (and have a medical Case Manager) and would like to experience being part of a supportive group of people to discuss a wide variety of topics, some of which may involve what it means to be part of the HIV community, related challenges, etc.
Support GroupsMiddletown
THU 3:30PM
Leader:Kaylan Koski, LCSW
The goal of this open-ended Men’s Group is to help men feel more comfortable being more self-aware, more expressive and less isolative. It also serves to assist men with being more open about their stressors, obstacles, desires, and frustrations. Through this treatment approach, participants can learn strategies and techniques to expand on their interpersonal skills, as well as experience a sense of belonging that can potentially reduce isolation, frustration, and mitigate various other mental health symptoms.
Men's GroupsMiddletown
Leader:Kaylan Koski, LCSW
This is a 12 week support and educational group for men. This group will address how mental health appears differently in men. The group will focus on stress, relationships and emotions, fatherhood and parenting, anxiety and depression, masculinity, grief, trauma, anger management and other topics that can impact men’s mental health.
Men's GroupsVirtual
Leader:Demetrios Kostas, LCSW
This group provides support to members on their trauma recovery journey. This group explores evidence based skills using DBT and CBT to help members understand and process responses to trauma. Each week group will focus on different skills and to increase awareness of trauma symptoms and reactions in order to help members along their trauma recovery and provide support to one another.
Trauma GroupsVirtual
Leader:Cheryl Reiner, LCSW
This group is for adult patients new to meditation as well as those looking for further support in their practice. The group focuses on helping our members cultivate a mindfulness practice to help them address racing or distressing thoughts resulting from anxiety and depression, difficulty sleeping, chronic pain, improved self-awareness, and stress management. The group opens with a check-in to assess how members are doing, both in regards to their life stressors as well as personal experiences with meditation in-between group sessions. Then, the group is guided through a 15-20 minute meditation by the facilitator, and concludes with group members debriefing their experience and troubleshooting any challenges they have encountered in establishing a personal meditation practice.
Mindfulness is “the awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally.” -Jon Kabat-Zinn
WED 3:30PM
Leader:Taylor Lisee, LPC
This group is for adult patients new to meditation as well as those looking for further support in their practice. The group focuses on helping our members cultivate a mindfulness practice to help them address racing or distressing thoughts resulting from anxiety and depression, difficulty sleeping, chronic pain, improved self-awareness, and stress management.
Mindfulness is “the awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally.” -Jon Kabat-Zinn
Leader:Michael Cubria, LCSW, CAC, ICADC, CMIP
This is a weekly relapse prevention group to help support patients toward their goals of reducing and abstaining from alcohol and/or drug use, and to support them in the process of building happier and healthier lives.
Substance Use GroupsSupport GroupsVirtual
Leader:Elaine Lang, LPC
Leader:Taylor Lisee, LPC and Juliet Kwarteng, Post Doc
Having trouble sleeping? This group will provide you with support and skills to look at factors that may be impacting your sleep to help you get a better night’s rest.
Leader:Catarina Lally, LPC
Está con problemas en dormir? este grupo lo enseñará herramientas para averiguar los factores afectando su sueño para ayudarlo a descansar mejor por la noche
Spanish Language GroupsWellness/MindfulnessVirtual
Líder:Catarina Lally, LPC
This is a weekly group focused on achieving and maintaining recovery as participants define it. The group seeks to support members in the process of building happier and healthier lives consistent with their recovery. This strength based relapse prevention group is offered as part of the CHC Suboxone program
Substance Use GroupsSupport GroupsMiddletown
Leader:Dan Bryant, LPC
This is a monthly prevention group designed to provide support to those patients maintaining their recovery. The group will address triggers, coping skills and overall reduction and abstaining from substance use. The goal is to assist the patient in their process of building a happier healthier life style. This is a supportive strength based relapse prevention group offered as part of the CHC Suboxone program. For Waterbury Suboxone Patients with long term sobriety.
Substance Use GroupsSupport GroupsVirtual
2nd TUE each month 3:30PM
Leader:Theresa Wiblishauser, LCSW
Regardless of whether you are close to quitting or already have quit smoking, this group focuses on assisting members with strategies to prepare and to maintain quitting smoking.
Substance Use GroupsSupport GroupsVirtual
Leader:Chelsea McIntosh, PsyD
An open space for transgender, non-binary, and questioning adults to safely explore their experiences with gender and sexuality. The hope of this group is to gain support, feel a sense of community, and access resources. This group will largely be discussion based with the support of licensed behavioral health professional
LGBTQIA+Support GroupsVirtual
WED 3:30PM
Leader:Diana Alamo, LCSW and Jodi Anderson, LMFT
This group is a processing group that provides support, psycho-education, encouragement and guidance on managing life stressors.
Mood GroupsWomen's GroupsVirtual
Leader:Sarah Turney, LPC
This group offers support, as well as further develops one’s coping skills in the areas of Depression, Anxiety, and also PTSD. The strategies come from evidence based therapies such as: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and some Positive Psychology and Mindfulness based approaches. Group members support & encourage each other to implement various strategies, during times when anxiety, depression, and/or PTSD symptoms show up and interfere with the quality of their lives.
Coping Skills GroupsWomen's GroupsMeriden
Leader:Jennifer Bumpus, Psy.D., LCSW
This group is designed for people who identify as women and are over the age of 50. The group provides a brave space to discuss experiences related to anxiety, depression, and/or any other stressors. Group meetings typically involve checking in with one another, seeing what feels important to discuss, and allowing members to provide support to one another.
Women's GroupsMiddletown
Leader:Jessica Ahern, LPC