Existing Patients: Click HERE to Self-Schedule. New to CHC? Call 860-347-6971 to schedule.

Breast Feeding Support Group – Rikki Alrut

This is an informal group of Breastfeeding Moms, Veteran Breastfeeding Moms or Moms-to-be who are considering breastfeeding. Led by a CLC, this is a safe space for discussing the joys and challenges of breastfeeding. Topics may include what to expect the first few days, latch and positions, pumping going back to work, among many others. […]

Arts Explorers with Ana Ughetti

Join us every Friday on the Family Wellness Center Facebook page from 10-10:30 AM for fun art projects for children 2 and up!

Circle of Moms

Circle of Moms is a warm and supportive group for moms and babies (birth – 18 months). Join us to get help navigating this transition to new motherhood if you are a first time mom or if you have recently welcomed a new baby to your family. Find support, resources and friendship. This group is […]

Cultural Connections-Support Group for Immigrant Women

Co-hosted by Liz Hibino, MSW and Xiomara Campos First & Third Tuesday of the month from 10-11:30 AM Cultural Connections is a support and networking group for women of all nationalities and backgrounds. The group was created as a resource that caters to the unique challenges and needs of immigrant women. It is also open […]

Cuantos y Cuentos with Ana Ughetti

Cantos y Cuentos En Español – Learn Spanish through music, dance, and imaginative play. Families with children ages 0 – 5, native Spanish speakers or not, are always welcomed. Join us on the Family Wellness Center Facebook page every Wednesday from 9:30-10 AM!

Breast Feeding Support Group – Rikki Alrut

This is an informal group of Breastfeeding Moms, Veteran Breastfeeding Moms or Moms-to-be who are considering breastfeeding. Led by a CLC, this is a safe space for discussing the joys and challenges of breastfeeding. Topics may include what to expect the first few days, latch and positions, pumping going back to work, among many others. […]

Arts Explorers with Ana Ughetti

Join us every Friday on the Family Wellness Center Facebook page from 10-10:30 AM for fun art projects for children 2 and up!

Circle of Moms

Circle of Moms is a warm and supportive group for moms and babies (birth – 18 months). Join us to get help navigating this transition to new motherhood if you are a first time mom or if you have recently welcomed a new baby to your family. Find support, resources and friendship. This group is […]

Cuantos y Cuentos with Ana Ughetti

Cantos y Cuentos En Español – Learn Spanish through music, dance, and imaginative play. Families with children ages 0 – 5, native Spanish speakers or not, are always welcomed. Join us on the Family Wellness Center Facebook page every Wednesday from 9:30-10 AM!

Arts Explorers with Ana Ughetti

Join us every Friday on the Family Wellness Center Facebook page from 10-10:30 AM for fun art projects for children 2 and up!