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Community Health Center, Inc. funds ten $1000 Scholarships for Children of CHC Employees

Community Health Center, Inc. (CHC) is pleased to announce the 10 recipients of its first-ever CHC College Scholarship Program. The awardees earned $1,000 scholarships to help cover their educational studies. The program is geared towards undergraduate students attending college or university in associates or bachelor’s degree programs during the 2019-2020 academic year and are children of or children in the care of CHC employees.

“CHC supports the educational goals of all its employees through tuition reimbursement and continuing education, and we’re proud to now offer scholarships to the next generation seeking to achieve their dreams through higher education,” said Mark Masselli, CHC Founder/CEO. “Every applicant for the CHC Scholarship was outstanding and we hope to expand the program in years to come.”

CHC received 32 applications for this year’s award. Each applicant wrote an essay explaining how they will use their education to make a difference in the community. The committee received exceptional responses on personal stories and goals each applicant hopes to achieve. This group of young leaders shares a unified objective of making a positive impact in the greater community and world.

Following the application process, the CHC Scholarship Committee hosted a drawing to select the ten winners. The following are this year’s scholars with an excerpt from their essay submission.

Leilani Troche, UCONN

Leilani Troche

Attending school and receiving my associates, bachelors, and masters is my way of thanking [my mother] for all that she has done for me. Seeing everything she has been through has influenced me more than words can describe. Her strength, determination, and big heart have shown me the kind of woman and mother I hope to be one day.

Gabriela Disla Suarez, UCONN

Gabriela Disla Suarez

The care and health of those people who do not have the means to pay for healthcare will deteriorate and they will also have limited access to physicians and facilities. I find this very unethical because good medicine shouldn’t have to require expensive care. Medicine aims to promote and maintain health and wellbeing. This is a field to make the world a better place.

Benjamin Block, WCSU

Benjamin Block

Besides the loss of food sources, overfishing is limiting biodiversity. Conservationists are advocating creating expansive marine reserves to protect the biodiversity of the oceans.

Kennedy Porter, Albertus Magnus College

Kennedy Porter

To have a fulfilling and productive academic, professional and personal life, we need to have a clear understanding that the technological world, and the real living, breathing, interpersonal community in which we live are equally important.

Michelle Davila, Western New England University

Michelle Davila

During times of distress and lack of motivation I knew I could count on [my mom] to motivate me to my fullest potential. My mother would praise me when I did well but would motivate me to strive for my best. She would implant moral values into me daily, by helping me understand a good character.

Jason Gong, Carnegie Mellon University

Jason Gong

The greatest threat surrounding global climate change is actually ignorance. The spread of misinformation and distrust of scientific evidence is not only alarming but also dangerous.  Combatting global climate change will require a rapid, concerted effort by all of humanity.

Colin Bamrick, College of Charleston

Colin Bamrick

The biggest influence in my life has to be Kerry, my adopted mother. Her biggest strength is her genuine kindness and open arms. She knows I am going to make mistakes but she allows me to grow while also being supportive…I am proud of how similar she and I are and the impact she has had on my life.

Eve Brannin, Case Western Reserve University


The media coverage sensationalizing [the gun violence] epidemic has consumed my childhood. It is hard to stay informed and hopeful at the same time. It is hard to be exposed to shooting after shooting and not become numb or resigned to the situation as something we must tolerate as a country. It is hard to sit in silence during lockdowns and active shooter drills.

Rodrigo Mariano, Emerson College

Rodrigo Mariano

Technology has become more accessible than ever, and though there are many problems with how we treat it, especially in today’s youth, there is so much our society has to address regarding what defines a human middle class job in the coming decades

Lucybelle Newman, Drexel University

Lucybelle Newman

The pull of fast fashion is that it makes money, and fast…The dangers to the environment should be known to everyone in the fashion industry. The dangers to the environment most likely are known to everyone in the fashion industry. The truth is, people are ignoring the damage being done to our planet in order to make more money.