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Step by Step Guide

Step-by-step guide to your telehealth visit

If you have questions or need assistance downloading and/or setting up the Zoom app, please call our CHC Telehealth Patient Support Team at 860-852-0868.

First Time Zoom User (Android) Video Walkthrough
First Time Zoom User (iPhone) Video Walkthrough

Before Your Appointment
1. Download the Zoom Cloud Meetings app for iOS or Android. Links:
iOS (iPhone/iPad)
Android (Samsung, Google)
2. Once Zoom is downloaded, setup and test the app by opening the web browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, etc.) on your device and going to Zoom.us/Test. Click the “Join” button to join a test Zoom call. Screenshot of website Zoom.us/Test with red arrow pointing to
3. Click the “Launch Meeting” button. Then click “Open” to open the test meeting in your Zoom app. Thguide 2
Thguide 3
4. Tap “Join with Video” to allow Zoom to access your camera. Thguide 4
5. Tap “Call Over Internet” to join audio. Thguide 5
6. You are now in the meeting! To leave the meeting, tap “Leave.” Thguide 6
During Your Appointment
1. Open your text or email appointment reminder from CHC and tap the link after “To join your visit, click here." Thguide 7
2. This link will open the Zoom app on your device. Make sure the “Always show video preview dialog when joining a video meeting” option is selected/green. Tap “Join with Video” to allow Zoom to use your camera. Thguide 8
3. You will then enter your provider’s virtual Zoom waiting room. You do not need to click anything. Your provider will start the appointment when they are ready. Thguide 9
4. When your provider starts the appointment, tap “Call Over Internet” to join audio so you and your provider can hear each other. Thguide 10
5. If you tap your screen during the visit, several icons will appear.
A: Microphone - mute/unmute your audio
B: Camera - turn on/off your video
C: Share Screen – share a picture with your provider
D: Participants – list of all people in the meeting
E: More Options – chat and additional settings
Thguide 11
6. When your appointment is done, tap “Leave” to leave the meeting. Thguide 12
7. After your appointment is over, you will receive a text from CHC Telehealth with a survey link. Please complete the short anonymous survey to help us continue to improve!
Fixing Zoom Audio or Video
How to Turn on Zoom Video after Joining the Meeting
Once in the Zoom appointment, check the camera button at the bottom of your screen. If the camera has a red slash through it, tap the button to turn on your camera/video. 4
If your video still does not work, make sure that Zoom has access to your camera by checking the settings on your device.

• For Apple Devices, go to Settings > Camera > then scroll down the list of apps to find Zoom and click the bubble to turn it green
• For Android Devices, go to Settings > Apps >Zoom and scroll down to “Permissions” and make sure camera access is allowed.

How to Turn on Zoom Audio after Joining the Meeting
Once in the Zoom appointment, check the microphone button at the bottom of your screen. If the microphone has a red slash through it, tap the button to turn on your microphone/audio.
If your audio still does not work, make sure that Zoom has access to your microphone by checking the settings on your device.
• For Apple Devices, go to Settings > Microphone > then scroll down the list of apps to find Zoom and click the bubble to turn it green
• For Android Devices, go to Settings > Apps > Zoom and scroll down to “Permissions” and make sure microphone access is allowed.