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COVID vaccination clinics start to focus more on disadvantaged populations

Originally posted on the Norwich Bulletin

As the COVID-19 vaccine becomes more available, with vaccine registration expanding to everyone 16 and older on April 5, vaccination efforts are shifting to reaching specific, hard-to-reach populations.

Residents of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) 110 Phases I-III Senior Apartments in Norwich were offered a chance to get their first dose of the Moderna vaccine this weekend.

The AHEPA 110 apartments are a low-income housing facility for those making less than 50% of the median income. Most residents are 62 and older, but there are a few younger residents with disabilities.

On Saturday, Anthony Burelle received his first COVID vaccination. He admitted being nervous before the shot. He had been going “back and forth” on whether to get the shot, but his daughter, who works in a doctor’s office in North Carolina, convinced him to get it so he can visit his grandchildren.

Burelle said it was important to have the clinic because he rarely drives, and he didn’t have a convenient way to get to any of the vaccination sites.

“I’m not sure where I would’ve gone to get one,” he said.

Bruce Goodwin, a resident who received his first shot Saturday, said he had trying getting a shot at the Foxwoods clinic, but wasn’t able to secure an appointment. He learned about the clinic after seeing a flyer.

“It makes it convenient that I live upstairs,” Goodwin said.

John Grossomanides, a pharmacist and president of AHEPA 110, said the facilities were vaccinating 60 of its 130 residents on Saturday and will hold another clinic for second doses. 

Even though it’s important for most of the population to receive the vaccine, Grossomanides said it’s crucial for the population of the AHEPA 110 Apartments because of the risk the virus poses for older people.

“It was important for us to get everyone vaccinated, so they have more of a safe environment to go out and do their things and not have to worry about it,” Grossomanes said.

As more and more seniors get their vaccinations, the need to address other at-risk populations increases. Patrick McCormack, director of health for the Uncas Health District, said officials are working out how to access the homebound elderly, those with language barriers, and other disadvantaged groups.

“While you do those smaller, focused clinics, the challenge is to make sure you can use all the doses you’re receiving,” McCormack said. “Obviously there’s time to drive, observation time, and when you do a larger clinic, you can do all that in one location.”

Leslie Gianelli, communications director for Community Health Center of Middletown, said the organization has run clinics statewide at homeless shelters, churches, and ones for farm workers.

“Really, the smaller sites for us are so important because this is a community and a population that might not have access to the vaccine otherwise,” Gianelli said.

CHC was the vaccine provider that was assisting residents Saturday, and Gianelli said the organization has provided clinics to many other similar housing units statewide.

Andrea Gonzales, the apartments’ property manager, was helping some of the residents with translation, assisting with both paperwork and vaccination. Gonzales said she’s willing to help people who reach out to her because some residents are still hearing about the vaccine on Spanish–language television.

“That’s a plus, having both languages,” Gonzales said.