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Letter: Opioid addiction bill innovative approach to crisis

Originally published in The Middletown Press

To the Editor:

A congressional proposal to expand the group of medical professionals who can treat patients using buprenorphine, known as The Recovery Enhancement for Addiction Treatment Act, and supported by Gov. Malloy and New England governors, is an important step in addressing the opioid addiction epidemic.

For the past few years, our Community Health Center has organized and led video conference-based training for front-line providers treating opioid addiction. Clinicians share information about their cases and learn from peers and specialists using a system called Project ECHO.

To date, 875 patients have been treated for their opioid addiction by 54 clinicians in five states thanks to Project ECHO. The bill pending before Congress will help many patients recover. Project ECHO helps many of the clinicians responsible for treating these patients hone their skills by learning from each other.

The opioid crisis touches every part of our state and nation, and we must continue seeking innovative and effective ways of caring for patients struggling with addiction.

Mark Masselli, president/CEO, Community Health Center, Middletown